Tuesday 2 December 2008


I got a new blog, the address is - http://www.dennismok.com/blog

Saturday 15 November 2008

I'm Sorry!

I haven't updated my blog for almost one year, many customer asked about this, and I said I really sorry about this as I really busy on taking photos, doing touch-up on the picture.. etc. But now, I can promise you guys that I will update my blog every month or maybe every two weeks.... Please support me! Let me show you the Singapore Trip next week!

Wednesday 19 December 2007

A super nice photographer from Malaysia

Haven't updated my blog for a long time as I'm super busy in the past few months. In the past few months, I met a photographer in a Hong Kong wedding and we worked together, he is a really nice guy and he came from Malaysia, we talked everything included wedding photography and discuss the equipment.. haha... Look at the photo, we seems like brothers

Monday 24 September 2007

I Like Eating

好多人都知道我好鍾意食野, 特別係Dessert.. 昨日我去了 The Repulse Bay 影相, 當我地用我地既午餐(Buffet)時, 好多人對我所食既食物好好奇, 因為我我第一時間食既係Dessert, 而唔係好似我其他crew member咁食一D飽肚既食物, 仲成日問我究竟飽唔飽....哈哈
其實我真係好鍾意週圍去試唔同酒店所出品既Dessert, 有時更會約埋我一些客人週圍去食, 但令我咁鍾意食Dessert既係邊個呢? 個答案係"The Peninsula", 點解係因為當年我出job去到Peninsula, 果日我地既Dinner又係Buffet, 咁我如常享用我既晚餐, 當年其實我真係唔好Dessert, 所以我享用完我既晚餐後, 就選了一件Tiramisu, 當我將它入口, 它在我口裹面自動溶化, 呢個感覺就令我喜歡了, 從此我就週圍尋那感覺 ..

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Photo of The Grand Hyatt Wedding Fair

oh! I'm learning how to post a photo on this blog, finally i did it... Thank you for One Shot Production to helping me to take this photo, on that day, all vendors are really busy, thanks so much for their helps...
Hey! In this photo, there are 2 guys on it, guess which one is me.. huh!

Thursday 6 September 2007

Dinner with Photographers

Haha.. Today I really feel tired, why? Last night, I have dinner and meeting with some photographers, and take some funny shots(will post later), after the dinner, we went to Martin's Studio and discuss about wedding photography,talk , talk, and talk.... until 4:30am.... haha.. why so many things to talk about.... haha.. now I just remember one thing, it's a photos about Terry(One Shot), we do sometouch-up on his photos.... really funny ... everyone are interesting on it!! but sorry that I cannot post it on this blog, if I post it, I think he will kill me!! hahahaha... A REALLY NICE DINNER AND TIME AT YESTERDAY NIGHT!!!

Friday 31 August 2007

The day before Grand Hyatt Wedding Fair

AR!!! So many thing to perpare for the Grand Hyatt Wedding Fair.... have to pack the albums, print the contact list, etc. Now I really want to take so photos for everything, but I really don't have time to do it... have to go out again and buy the stuff ...

Thursday 30 August 2007

The first time to using a Blog!!

Haha, This is my first time to using a blog and post someting right here, many people said it's easy to use, but.... I don't think so, at least until now, i typing right here, just facing the screen just like typing an e-mail.... want to upload some photos, but too stupid, I donno how to post.. hahaha